calling Christian women online service providers, coaches, and course creators

Create a steady stream of clients into your business… using practical strategies that align with your faith and values.

What if there was one thing that could change the game for your business?

---> insert eye roll here.

I know, I know… you don’t want to hear about another ‘silver bullet’ solution to solve all the problems in your business.

And that’s not what I’m going to do.

But there is one essential element to running your business as a service provider, coach, or course creator:

consistent clients!

Maybe you’ve thought...

I know that I can truly help someone with what I can do for them… so why aren’t more clients signing up?

I’m trying to keep up with posting on social media and putting out content, but it doesn’t seem like anyone’s even paying attention. And if clients aren't joining, what’s the point?

And even when I do get to connect with someone who is a potential client, I feel awkward and I don’t want to be pushy or salesy...

Friend, I get it. It can be exhausting trying to figure out which strategy or tactic will actually bring in clients consistently.

Real talk: Growing your business online can’t happen without clients or students buying your offers.

You're a Christian woman business owner who knows she can serve her ideal client in a powerful way. But you're not quite at the point of having the consistent clients you want or need.

And while there is not a switch you can turn on that will bring in clients immediately, there are specific actions you can take that will increase your opportunities to bring in clients and create consistent income.

That’s exactly what I want to teach you inside the Consistent Clients Challenge.

So how can you create a consistent flow of clients without selling your soul on social media or feeling like a telemarketer on calls?

How do you market yourself without compromising your faith or values?

consistent clients challenge

Oct 24-27, 2022 - 12pm Eastern each day

In this 4-day training, you will:

Learn how to become referrable (so that you start getting those potential clients coming your way)

Discover how to stand out in a noisy online space (so that people pay attention to what you have to share)

Learn how to reach out to others without feeling icky (even if you’re an introvert and hate promoting yourself)

The Consistent Clients Challenge is happening LIVE Oct 24-27, 2022

Save your spot for free!

What you will get inside of the challenge:

  • 4 Days of live training from Esther delivering a specific strategy teaching you how to increase clients into your business

  • Daily action steps so that you can implement what you are learning right away

  • BONUS Day with Offer Audits from Esther so that you can see real offer transformations!

Real talk: This is the type of training I normally reserve for my clients inside of my paid programs. But I believe it’s something that will help so many women that I wanted to offer it to you for free.

All you need to do is commit the time, and you can get high-level training that will have an immediate impact on your business (IF you’re willing to do the work).

Reserve your spot today!

Hey friend, I’m Esther Littlefield.

I’ve been in the online space as a service provider and then coach for over 5.5 years, and I’ve never been without a consistent flow of clients.

Because of this, I’ve had a steady income that exceeded my initial expectations and that has helped provide for my family since year one of my biz.

After seeing so many of the women in my community struggling to do the same, I reflected on the strategies and tactics that I’ve implemented over the years that I believe have contributed to my success.

And now, I want to share them with you.

Inside of this 4 day challenge, I will teach you one specific strategy each day so that you can begin to generate the income you’re shooting for.

This will not be 4 days of fluff… rather, 3 days of real, actionable content PLUS a bonus Q&A day so that you can implement these strategies in your business right away.

Got questions? I've got answers.


Who is this challenge for?

The Consistent Clients Challenge is ideal for a Christian woman building a business online. You probably are a service provider, coach, or consultant. You could also be a course creator or have a group program. If you need real people to buy your offer and you want to do so without feeling slimy or inauthentic, this is for you!


When and where will this training take place?

The Consistent Clients Challenge will take place Oct 24-27 at noon Eastern each day, and the bonus day will be Monday Oct. 31st at noon. The live video training will happen inside a private Facebook group. The videos WILL be recorded and you will be able to watch the replays for a limited time.


How long will I have access to the training?

If you can’t join live during the daily training, the replays will remain up in the Facebook group through Tuesday, Nov. 1st. This will give you time to watch and catch up in case you get behind.


Are there additional resources provided with the challenge?

The challenge includes 4 days of live training, one bonus day for Offer Audits, and daily emails with written recaps. In addition, you will have access to the Facebook group where you can post, ask questions, and interact with the challenge participants during the week of the challenge and several days after. You also will have the option to upgrade for a VIP pass which includes live daily coaching.


Will you be selling something else during the challenge?

Yes, there will be the option to learn about my program Focus to Fund, designed to help you generate consistent income. I will share the details about this program and how to join for those who may be ready for this step. However, even if you just participate in the challenge, I truly believe it will be pivotal for you in your business.


What if I don’t have any clients yet? Or what if I am selling a course or membership? Is this for me?

I’m so glad you asked! YES, this challenge will still benefit you even if you do not have any clients yet. It will also help you if you are selling or plan to sell a course, membership, or group coaching program. Because you still need PEOPLE to join those things, and the concepts and strategies I will teach you will apply to those models as well.

What others have said about my training:


Holly Cain

Esther has been absolutely pivotal in my business journey. Her advice is always valuable, actionable, and broken down in a way I can manage it! She understands business in such a way that makes her guidance and coaching so impactful.


Eva Kubasiak

Your teaching is legitimately changing my business. I consider myself a pretty savvy business person and just sitting under your teaching has been incredibly helpful and beneficial for my business.

Are you ready to start generating leads and clients on a regular basis?

The Consistent Clients Challenge is your next step!

Join me LIVE Oct 24-27, 2022

Save your spot for FREE today.